Christine K. Jahnke Endowed Legacy Fund

Christine K. Jahnke (1963-2020) was a media trainer, public speaking coach, author, and stalwart ally of the Center for American Women and Politics in its mission to increase women’s political representation in the United States. One of CAWP’s most dedicated and respected workshop leaders, she participated in Ready to Run® campaign training programs for over 20 years, at the flagship program in New Jersey and at partner programs throughout the country. Through these trainings and her own work as a speech coach and author, she helped thousands of women sharpen their public speaking skills, hone their political message, and prepare for a life in politics. The Christine K. Jahnke Endowed Legacy Fund – made possible through the generosity of her husband, Paul Hagen, family, and friends – will support CAWP’s educational and campaign training programs for women, helping carry forward the work that Chris devoted her life to.
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